
Future of School Security: Why Tripod Turnstiles are Becoming Essential?

Are you a school administrator looking for contemporary measures to combat modern security threats and make your premises even safer?

Then, you must think differently and look at security from a modern perspective.

At the outset, let’s accept that security threats have evolved over the years and conventional practices aren’t competent any longer to thwart breach attempts. So, amidst such a situation, you need more contemporary and competent measures.

Tripod turnstiles are one of them. They are physical barriers with three rotating arms, allowing only one person to pass through at a time. Thus, tripod turnstiles enable controlled access to a building or area, enhancing security.

You can even integrate them with control access systems such as biometric scanners to allow only authorized people to enter the premises.

However, as a school administrator, you must install tripod turnstiles for various other reasons as well. Let’s look at some.

5 Reasons Schools Must Invest in Tripod Turnstiles

Here’s why you should consider tripod turnstiles to keep your school more secure.

1. Controlled Security and Access with a Single Point of Entry

Intruders usually attempt to tap entry points to trespass a particular premise. However, tripod turnstiles minimize these threats by creating a single point of entry, ensuring only students, staff and authorized people enter the school.

Moreover, by integrating them with digital authentication systems, you can prevent intruders from slipping in unnoticed, mitigating security risks and threats significantly.

2. Better Crowd Management

Schools are usually busy during the mornings and breaks. Besides, some schools have varying entry and exit timings for senior and junior students. The absence of proper access control can make these timings chaotic and invite security situations.

Tripod turnstiles streamline the flow, ensuring orderly movements, eliminating bottlenecks, enabling better control over movements, and minimizing security risks.

3. Technology Integration

As a modern educational setup, you would have various existing systems, contributing to or supporting the security aspect of your school in different ways. These include databases, access control systems, biometrics, etc.

All these systems must work collaboratively to serve the purpose of security. Accordingly, you can integrate tripod turnstiles with these systems, enabling your administrators to track attendance in real time, identify unauthorized access immediately, and strengthen overall security.

4. Discouraging Trespassing and Trespassers

A poor or weak security setup is susceptible to attacks in different ways.

In other words, such systems are inviting and encouraging for intruders, as the latter can easily cut through them and cause damage.

However, tripod turnstiles serve as a physical and visible barrier that deters people from unauthorized entry. They indicate a clear and strong message that security is a priority for the school and unauthorized entries are strictly prohibited.

5. Cost-Effectiveness

Schools aren’t profit-oriented ventures. However, won’t you love to explore cost-effective alternatives and save money, particularly without compromising security?

Tripod turnstiles serve as one. They are a one-time investment that allows you to fortify entrances and exits without employing additional security personnel.

Besides, they demand minimal maintenance. Hence, they are an excellent alternative for every school that looks to make its security infrastructure more robust without investing in additional resources.

Prepared to Upgrade and Unlock the Benefits of Advanced Security Solutions?

Then, choose DAccess! Trusted by thousands of organizations worldwide, including schools, we are one of the leading providers of entrance automation systems.

Tripod turnstiles are part of our range of entrance automation solutions. We customize our solutions based on the functional, operational, and aesthetic needs of our clients. Thus, you can bank on us for personalized entrance automation solutions.

Our tripod turnstiles come with features, including bidirectional access, anti-tailgating, drop arm mechanism, motorized mechanism, handicap access, etc.

Our support also extends to providing technical support, maintenance, upgrades, and updates to help you keep up with the evolving security landscape.

Need more insights into our solutions? Please email us at and step closer to making your school premises safer.

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